Why Focus On Progression and Speed In Muscle Build Workouts?

There are differing options among experts and amateurs about muscle build workouts. They sway from fast and repetitive to slow and progressive. While such workouts are effective, they are not equally so.

Gaining muscle strength requires progressively increasing resistance to the exercise. This is done by gradually adding more resistance in order to stimulate muscle growth. Some trainers recommend that those increases occur weekly. The problem with that approach is that your muscles might not optimally adapt to the stress in the short span of 7 days.

The best muscle build workouts benefit the full range of each repetition.


Since all muscle groups to not respond equally and people are different, it is best to start with the amount of repetitions that you can do now. Continue at this level until you can complete at least two sets of 12 good repetitions in proper form.

At that point, you can increase the resistance by about 5 per cent which might reduce the number of repetitions by a few. The important thing is that this will keep you in the preferred training range of 8 to 12 repetitions.

The additional benefit to this type of training is that you can target the faster responding muscles, such as the leg muscles, so that you can progress quicker. You can then give the slower responding muscles, as the smaller ones in the arms, more time to progress.

In the end, all muscle groups, the faster and slower responding ones, receive the correct exercises to meet their capabilities.

Repetition speed

A good number of people are under theĀ Trenbolone Acetate misconception that faster beats slower repetitions for effectiveness and muscle production. The problem with this approach is that more emphasis it put on the momentum of each movement, rather than on applying tension to the muscles.

The fast movement is required to begin the repetition. This takes a high degree of muscle effort. For the rest of the repetition, however, little muscle power is needed because momentum takes over. These quick snaps and releases are responsible for injury while actually decreasing the development those muscles that you want to build.

Slowing your repetition speed will reduce the risk and benefit muscle development. Your goal should be to control the resistance throughout the entire repetition.

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